Definition of Access road

1. Noun. A short road giving access to an expressway. "In Britain they call an access road a slip road"

Exact synonyms: Slip Road
Generic synonyms: Road, Route

Definition of Access road

1. Noun. A road giving entry to a region or, esp., a motorway. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Access Road

acces pernicieux
access code
access codes
access control
access control list
access control lists
access controls
access course
access courses
access modifier
access modifiers
access point
access points
access road
access roads
access specifier
access specifiers
access time
access times
access token
access tokens
accessary after the fact

Literary usage of Access road

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The South Sea Islanders and the Queensland Labour Trade: A Record of Voyages by William T. Wawn (1893)
"One evening Ian Downs got me in a corner and began urging the need for an access road to the coast and what it would mean to the future development of the ..."

2. Assessment of the Value of Woodland Landscape Function to Local Communities by Tim Lynam (2003)
"However, as one approaches t he vi 11 age al ong t he mai n access road from t he ... In terms of roads and major paths, the main access road follows the ..."

3. Lake District by Norman Buckley (2004)
"Go left down a steep bank or carry on to the abbey access road, ... From the abbey take the access road up the steep valley side to a cattle grid with a ..."

4. Olympic Games: Federal Government Provides Significant Funding and Support by Bernard L. Ungar (2001)
"Not a part of the 20-year plan. Source: DOT officials. Road and highway projects D Snow Basin: "* access road $14.96 Mg Winter Sports Park: *™ access road ..."

5. Design and Analysis by Bernard Leupen (1997)
"Similarly, the access road to the district, in its winding descent through ... Where the residential streets meet the access road, the heads of the blocks ..."

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